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Messages - LoveLess

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Bugs / Re: The Spell Nerf/Buff please thread
« on: December 19, 2018, 03:09:56 am »
Pretty much any charge to spells like Evard's which can easily down an unprepared player is never amusing. Base, it feels like an empowered spell in it's own right. Paralysis to Entangle and reducing the amount of tentacles is a good start. While yes, Ethereal Visage does deal with it quite well, it's something that must be prepared, so in the best case scenario you would be accused of metagaming anyway.

And then back from death returns angry players who maybe even can start hate you and your low level clerics or be very frustrated what your character used this spell and they lost 10% of exp instead of possible 5%.

I agree with this completely. Any raise at all from a PC or NPC should be equal, mainly so everyone is happy with any help at all.


0. Make dead bodies weight 100+ lbs. Not 0.5.
1. Remove this difference of 5% between two spells or players will become more angry/sad when low level clerics raises high level characters.
2. Place temporary debuffs on characters what was raised by Raise Dead spell. Low AC, low stats, low AB. It can be anything what will remain on character few hours and can't be removed by rest.
3. Include diamonds in Resurrection Spell and even to Raise Dead spell too perhaps.
4. Make characters pick deity in creation room so perhaps this spells will be more important for characters of same faith and who knows maybe characters of same faith will have very very little exp loss

Regarding point, uh, zero, corpses should have weight to them. Including their inventory if possible. Temporary debuffs might not work too well, as the player was already punished with an experience loss. Losing a tenth of your experience is already weighty enough, causing further detriment would only serve to cause players to wait out the timer which is not fun for anyone involved in a quest they might be at. Something like a small movement speed slow could work if it's for flavor.

Including requirements for high level spells in general would make them feel more important, even opening up avenues for buffing some spells depending on such. I would be all for people pooling resources to their faction cleric to give them the ability to raise/resurrect mid-fight for an edge.

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