Dear Exalted Sufferer
I have made landfall safely in the Lower Netheril settlement of Hadrian as instructed. Thine judgement in sending me here was entirely astute. This is a city of much misery. I have vainly sought out my predecessor Sister Silias and can only assume her dead, missing or worse. We both know she would never willingly abandon her mission.
The people here have endured much hardship and I have already found many injured workers to preach the Broken God's good word to. For the time being, a lectern at the local drinking house must serve as my pulpit. There are two charitable institutions here: Harvest Moon, apparently overseen by a knightly order, and Silver Shield. The latter is a rather unsettling place bearing the trappings of a cult as much as a charity. I assure thee I shall investigate both to ensure they are serving the needs of the people honestly.
Give my blessings to my Adorned brothers and sisters,
Sister Sindi Mbatha