*She sits deep in a cave in hilltop pass thinking*
days have passed? She's forgotten?
The shadows called- She remembers.
There was a battle with goblins. She danced among them. The dance of death, many came to die and be forgotten. Too many more waited their turn for the breed like rabbits. There was a pain, and then she felt nothing but the shadows embrace.
She woke in Hadrian, the priests had done their job. Retzlaff had brought her body to them.
She'd left money with the priests in case something happened so they did there spells, however, her body had been preserved- safe until it could be found- strange.
Little things are missing. This is when you say hello. It's polite to say goodbye. She doesn't know what else. How do you know what you don't know?
She knows each time she dies and they 'save' her or take her soul? she loses something. It's not bad, or evil. It's part of the cycle, she notes it and moves on. She is back again- She knows more, and less. She remembers and has forgotten.
Stranger still, the conversations with the shadows. There was no concept of time, she talked with many. The coming of a King? The skies will fall? Will magic die? There is truth in shadow. Saftey in shadows. The circus is in town! New friends to be made, but not yet- not yet.
The shadows are stronger now. The other quiet one, Retzlaff? Yes, he used to see me even when the shadows embraced me. He does when I move and they try to keep up, but if I'm still, and I forget... He doesn't hear me. He doesn't see.
Do they fill the empty spaces so I don't go to Shar yet? They hear my whispers now. Sometimes even when I don't voice them. is that comforting?
*She meditates* What does Shar have in store for her? Is it her path to gather the untold secrets? To keep them safe so that the goddess my laugh as they are forgotten? She doesn't know. She doesn't remember.